WHEN: Wednesday, March 2, 2011 at 7 p.m.
WHERE: Sangamon Auditorium Lobby, 2nd floor Public Affairs Center (PAC)
DETAILS: In the fall of 2002, Marsha Wallace saw an article in a magazine about a group of friends who met for pot luck dinners and collected donations for needy families using the money they would have spent if they had eaten at a restaurant. Marsha was struck by the idea of using “dining out dollars” to help others and the idea of Dining for Women (DFW) was born. About 20 people attended the first DFW dinner in 2003 and $750 was raised. Since that first dinner, the group has achieved tax exempt status, been included in a national study on giving circles, and has been featured in the national media. Hundreds of chapters and thousands of women have joined DFW, making a difference in the lives of tens of thousands women worldwide.
DFW focuses on improving the lives of women and girls worldwide, which often live on less than $1 a day. By focusing on women and girls, DFW empowers women to find solutions to the problems they face through education, healthcare, and economic development.
Wallace will discuss how each individual has the power and responsibility to make a difference in eradicating world poverty, and the benefits of collective giving. Despite the Dining for Women title, men are welcome and encouraged to attend this event.
For more information and a list of other speakers series events visit http://illinois.edu/goto/speakerseries or contact Kimberly Craig at 217/206-6245 or craig.kimberly@uis.edu.
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