Thursday, June 7, 2012

Speaker Series presentation highlights property rights in the United States

WHAT: The University of Illinois Springfield Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speakers Series presents “Robin Hood in Reverse: How Government Can Take Your Property and Give it to the Rich”. The presentation will be led by William Kline, assistant professor of Liberal Studies / Liberal and Integrative Studies at UIS, with a discussion following.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 7 p.m.

WHERE: Brookens Auditorium, located on the lower level of Brookens Library

DETAILS: This presentation will focus on the case of Susette Kelo, who owned a house in New London, Connecticut near Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Pfizer wanted her land for their business. The City of New London decided the property would be better used by Pfizer and took the house by eminent domain. The case went to the Supreme Court where, by a 5-4 decision, the Court decided that the government could take private property for economic development.

“In most of the United States, it is now legal for a local government to take your home and give it to a private business if this transfer would result in greater tax revenues,” said Kline.

In this talk, participants will learn more about the many cases of this abuse happening across the United States; learn why the concept of property rights is crucial in this fight; and learn what you can do to fight this injustice.

Kline holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Bowling Green State University. He specializes in Economics, Business Ethics, and Applied Ethics.

For a list of other ECCE Speakers Series events and more information, visit All events are free and open to the public.

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