WHAT: The University of Illinois Springfield Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speaker Series will examine Human Trafficking in Central Illinois through a survivor’s eyes. The event is co-sponsored by the UIS Women’s Center, Grounds of Grace and Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 6 p.m.
WHERE: UIS Brookens Auditorium, located on the lower level of Brookens Library
DETAILS: Human Trafficking in Central Illinois is not just your typical pimp/prostitute scenario as most commonly recognized or addressed. It is often committed in “small-town USA” communities; potentially right next door. Speaker Patricia McKnight is one such survivor of family human trafficking.
McKnight will share her true story account along with information and discussion with Dana Pfeiffer, director of Grounds of Grace, an organization dedicated to assisting victims of human trafficking.
McKnight is a survivor of 30 years of abuse, violence and human trafficking from family members. Now, she passionately advocates changing laws, trains, educates and assists those dedicated to working to end human trafficking. She is the author of the book, My Justice, works through the Butterfly Dreams Abuse Recovery and hosts a radio program to elevate awareness. Pfeiffer is the founder and director of Grounds of Grace. She passionately assists families of abuse, violence and human trafficking.
For a list of other upcoming ECCE Speaker Series events and more information, visit www.uis.edu/speakerseries/. All events are free and open to the public.
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