“Central Illinois: Patchwork of Creative Minds,” a three-session educational series about the heartland of Illinois, will begin in September at the University of Illinois Springfield. The series is sponsored by the UIS Alumni SAGE Society and the Illinois State Historical Society.
Each session will include presentations by two experts. UIS professor emeritus Dr. Larry Shiner and UIS alumnus William Furry, director of the Illinois State Historical Society, will moderate the series. The presentations take place from 12 to 1:30 p.m., and a hot buffet luncheon is available at 11:30 a.m. There is a charge for lunch, but the presentations are free and open to the public. The luncheon and presentations will be held in the UIS Public Affairs Center (PAC) Conference Rooms C/D, located on the lower level.
The series will begin on Wednesday, September 16, with the topic “Through the Lens - Images of Nature and Humanity.” Featured speakers will include Judith Lloyd Klauba, associate curator of Fine Arts for the Illinois State Museum in Chicago. Her presentation, “Photographic Visions: The Frank Sardorus Collection”, will feature an Illinois farmer's innovative photographs of the people and landscapes he knew intimately (from 1880 to the 1930s). Dr. Michael Jeffords, entomologist and photographer and public relations/educator for the Illinois Natural History Survey, will provide a whirlwind tour of the arthropod/insect fauna in a presentation titled, “A Close Look at the Insects of Central Illinois.”
The second program will be on Wednesday, October 21, and the topic will be “Springfield Public Garden Design: Historic and Modern.” Terri Cameron, master gardener, historic preservation advocate and retired webmaster of SIU School of Medicine, will make a presentation titled “Springfield's Early Park Design and Its Impact,” which will examine Springfield’s early parks through archival photos, publications and Springfield Park District minutes. Diane Mathis, director of marketing and development for the Springfield Park District, will speak on “Innovative Park Design.” She will preview Southwind Park, Springfield’s new universally-accessible and environmentally-friendly park.
The last session of the series on Wednesday, November 18 will focus on “Creative Images: Canvas and Glass.” Local architect and stained glass restoration expert, Ralls Melotte, principal of Melotte Morse Leonatti Parker Ltd., will make a presentation on the history and evolution of stained glass in Central Illinois. “Painters from the Heart of Lincolnland" is the topic to be addressed by Robert Sill, curator and assistant director of Art for the Illinois State Museum in Springfield. Selected paintings from regional artists will be displayed and discussed.
Paid reservations are required for the luncheon at least one week before each session. The cost is $20 per person for lunch and the presentations or $50 per person for three lunches and the presentations if paid reservations are received by September 9. Pre-registration is also requested from those not purchasing the lunch who wish to attend the presentations. To register or for more information, visit www.uiaa.org/uis, or contact the Office of UIS Alumni Relations at 217/206-7395 or alumni @uis.edu.
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