Monday, January 31, 2011

Events cancelled due to winter weather

The following events at the University of Illinois Springfield have been cancelled or rescheduled due to winter weather.

The latest cancellations or schedule changes:

Teacher Education Program On Campus Conference

The Teacher Education Program On Campus Conference for online courses has been cancelled for this weekend February 4-5, 2011 due to the winter weather. The conference will not be rescheduled.

UIS Women's Basketball vs. Oakland City University

Due to the severe winter weather the Illinois-Springfield athletic department and Oakland City University have postponed the home women's basketball game scheduled for Wednesday, February 2. The game has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 8 starting at 5:30 p.m at TRAC.

UIS Men & Women's Basketball vs. Quincy

Due to the severe winter storms ravaging the Midwest, Great Lakes Valley Conference officials have moved the Illinois-Springfield men's and women's home basketball doubleheader against Quincy from Saturday, February 5 to Sunday, February 6 at 12:00 and 2:15 p.m.

Previous event cancellations:

Rape Aggression Defense Class

The first Rape Aggression Defense (RAD) women’s self-defense class scheduled for Tuesday, February 1 has been cancelled. The next class will be held on Tuesday, February 8 in the Lincoln Residence Hall Great Room. The RAD class will still run four weeks. The final class will now be Tuesday, March 1.

Healthcare: Reform and its Impact on College Health Programs and Students

The UIS Engaged Citizenship Common Experience (ECCE) Speakers Series presentation “Healthcare: Reform and its Impact on College Health Programs and Students” has been cancelled. The event was scheduled to take place Tuesday, February 1. The event may be rescheduled at a later date.

Black History Month Speaker – Dr. Corey Walker

Dr. Corey Walker, associate professor in the Department of Africana Studies at Brown University, has cancelled his appearance on Wednesday, February 2. The event may be rescheduled at a later date. Walker’s appearance is part of the Black History Month celebration at UIS, with a variety of activities throughout the month.

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