WHAT: The University of Illinois Springfield Alumni SAGE Society will host “Landscapes of the Judicial System: Conviction - Guilty or Innocent?” as part of its annual Lunch and Learn Series.
WHEN: Friday, Oct. 28 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: Public Affairs Center (PAC) Restaurant, located on the lower level of the PAC on the UIS campus.
DETAILS: Guilt or innocence – either can result in conviction. The Downstate Illinois Innocence Project (DIIP) was founded at UIS to address the nature and severity of conviction of the innocent. DIIP engages students, lawyers, and legal experts to exonerate the innocent and educates the public as it seeks reform of the criminal justice system. Problems and possible reforms of a criminal justice system that results in conviction of the innocent will be shared, along with past case experiences.
Larry Golden, emeritus professor for political science and legal studies, and Bill Clutter, private investigator and DIIP Director of Investigations, will present a provocative discussion of the complexities of guilt, innocence and conviction.
Lunch for the Oct. 28 session is complimentary; however reservations are required one week prior to the event.
Other upcoming Lunch & Learn events include “Landscapes of Memory: The Civil War as Illinois History” on Dec. 8. The cost for the Dec. 8 luncheon is $20/person and reservations are required.
Visit www.uiaa.org/uis to register online. For more information, contact the UIS Office of Alumni Relations at 217/206-7395 or email alumni@uis.edu.
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